The Southeastern Writing Center Association’s “Center Acknowledgment and Recognition of Excellence” (C.A.R.E.) program was developed by the SWCA Research & Development (R&D) Committee as part of its focus on using institutional and organizational research to provide enhanced resources and opportunities for members of the writing center community.
The SWCA invites centers to apply for certification to be recognized for the value they bring to their consultants, clients, and institutions. Certification applications are welcomed on a rolling basis and reviewed tri-annually.
The C.A.R.E. Writing Center Certification program invites nominations for the position of SWCA-CARE Co-Chair (January 2022-January 2024).
The SWCA-CARE Co-Chair coordinates the long-term vision of SWCA-CARE program, encourages submissions, fields questions, manages the application review process as well as tools and resources used in the review process, and organizes/oversees the committee of reviewers that is approved by the current SWCA President. Other duties might include professional development and SWCA-CARE promotion. The Co-Chair position is a two-year commitment. In the first year, the candidate serves as Co-Chair. In the second year, the Co-Chair becomes Chair and helps train the incoming Co-Chair.
Interested candidates should send their CV/Resume and 500-word statement of interest to Dr. Candis Bond: CBOND@augusta.edu and/or Dr. Joy Bracewell: joy.bracewell@gcsu.edu by October 15, 2021. In the statement of interest, please include a rationale for your interest, your qualifications, and your vision for how you might maintain or improve the program.