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SWCA Bylaws

(approved by a 2/3 majority of voting members, Summer 2024; download pdf version)

I. The purpose of the Southeastern Writing Center Association (SWCA) is to promote literacy; further the theoretical, practical, and political concerns of writing center professionals; and serve as a forum for the writing concerns of students, faculty, staff, and writing professionals from both academic and nonacademic communities.

II. Membership in the SWCA will include directors and staff of writing centers and persons interested in writing centers. Membership includes those from the states and territories of Alabama; the American Virgin Islands; Florida; Georgia; Kentucky; Mississippi; North Carolina; Puerto Rico; South Carolina; Tennessee; and Virginia.

III. The SWCA will elect a Board from the Association’s members.

IV. Members of the Board will have demonstrated interest in writing centers and a commitment to the organization.

V. The Board will be composed of the following persons elected by the SWCA members:

A. The Executive Board

The Executive Board (EB) consists of the President, Vice President, Archivist, and Treasurer. All EB positions are twelve months and require service throughout the year, including during the summer.

The EB is responsible for the long-term planning and direction of the organization, as well as for communication with the Board. The EB includes President, Vice President, Archivist, and Treasurer. The EB calls for votes, reviews policies, and assesses financial resources of the organization to ensure its viability. The EB will meet online or through conference calls at least once per month to discuss and report on organizational activities, including monthly financials and transactions, community and state events, and upcoming events. The EB may also conduct an annual summer retreat (the Executive Board Retreat) to set an agenda for the Policies and Procedures committee, which may include a visit to the proposed conference site for the following year. The EB will be responsible for developing the long-term operating budget of the organization and will serve as the Advisory Board for SDC: A Journal of Writing Center Studies, the journal of the Southeastern Writing Center Association. The full Board must vote/approve any plans proposed by the Executive Board, even Presidential appointments.

1. President (Term: two years, non-renewable, immediate succession to the office of Immediate-Past President, voting)

The President of SWCA will: chair the Executive Board and full Board; plan agendas and conduct Board Meetings and Retreats; arrange and moderate other meetings as needed; (may) be invited by the Editor(s) to serve in an ex-officio capacity on the Editorial Board of SDC; appoint members to all committees and approve decisions by all committees before presentation to the full Board (including planning the annual conference); and serve as liaison and SWCA Representative to the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA), including attending (or sending a proxy to attend) IWCA meetings at national conferences. The President is responsible for reporting Board activities, membership numbers, and pertinent budget information to the membership at the annual conference. The President also serves on the group of Board Members who interview nominees for the positions of Digital Content Developer, Social Media Specialist, and Editor(s) of SDC. Should the President step down for any reason, the Vice President will fill the Presidential role; if the mid-term election is within the first year of the new President’s term, the new President may renew for one additional term (see section G). The President leads the annual Executive Board Retreat for conferences held the following year. The President does not pay the conference registration fee due to their extensive work on the site visit, at the conference, and throughout the year leading up to the conference. (Required attendance at the annual conference and all Executive Board Meetings, Board Meetings, and Retreats)

2. Vice President (Term: two years, non-renewable, immediate succession to the office of the President, voting)

The Vice President of SWCA works closely with the President and Immediate-Past President and serves as President-Elect. The VP will: assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence; undertake responsibilities as delegated by the President; chair the Policy and Procedures Committee; and maintain membership records, working with the Treasurer and Conference Chair in managing the membership list. Should the President step down for any reason during their term, the VP will fill the Presidential role. A new VP would then be elected to fulfill the current term, and if the mid-term election is within the first year of the term, the VP may renew for one additional term (see section G). In alternating years, if the Archivist is running for a second term or a different Board position, the VP will coordinate this election. (Required attendance at the annual conference and all Executive Board Meetings, Board Meetings, and Retreats)

3. Archivist (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

The Archivist is in charge of taking minutes during all full Board and Executive Board Meetings and Retreats, including conference calls. The Archivist will: distribute copies of the minutes to the Board for approval and correct them as necessary before having them posted in the online archive; develop and maintain the organization’s archives and records; work with the SWCA Digital Content Developer to store these records and make them available for the membership; and work with the Social Media Specialist Outreach Coordinator and appropriate committees to recruit candidates for the Board. The Archivist is also responsible for elections and voting procedures (see section F). The exception to this policy is in alternating years if the Archivist is running for a second term or a different Board position. In these cases, the Vice President will coordinate this election. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Executive Board Meetings, Board Meetings, and Retreats)

4. Treasurer (Term: four years, maximum two consecutive terms, immediate succession to the office of Immediate-Past Treasurer, voting)

The Treasurer is in charge of overseeing collection of membership dues, making deposits to the SWCA bank account, writing checks to cover approved expenses, managing debit/credit accounts, and preparing the ongoing budget with the President. The Treasurer will monitor the SWCA account and file an annual financial report with the Archivist at the annual conference concerning all monetary transactions of the SWCA. The reports will be presented to the SWCA Board at its Annual Meeting. The Treasurer will: work with the Vice President in managing the membership list; work with the Conference Chair, receiving checks from registration and disbursing checks for expenses as approved by the Board; serve as a member of the Policies and Procedures Committee; and, with the Editor of SDC, arrange journal expenses. The Treasurer will be responsible for filing annually with the IRS. The Treasurer will also provide updates about the financial status of the organization at all Board Meetings. The Treasurer does not pay the conference registration fee due to their extensive work on the budget for the site visit and the conference. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Executive Board Meetings, Board Meetings, and Retreats)

B. SWCA Board Members

5. Immediate-Past President (Term: one year, voting)

During the first year of the President’s term, the Immediate-Past President will serve as advisor to the current President, participating in SWCA Board discussions online and in conference calls, and will attend Board Meetings at the SWCA annual conference. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings and Retreats)

6. Immediate-Past Treasurer (Term: one year, non-voting)

During the first year of the Treasurer’s term, the Immediate-Past Treasurer will serve as their advisor, participate in SWCA Board discussion online and in conference calls, and attend Board Meetings at the SWCA annual conference. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings and Retreats)

7. Digital Content Developer (Term: indefinite, immediate succession to the office of Past-Immediate Digital Content Developer, voting)

The Digital Content Developer (DCD) is responsible for managing the organization’s website and digital accounts (e.g., Zoom, web-based software, social media platforms). The DCD will organize, create, solicit, maintain, and update web content from the Conference Chair(s), State and Community Member Representatives, and the Board, with specific emphasis on the Archivist’s additions to the online archives. The DCD will also coordinate with the Social Media Specialist to ensure they have access to social media platforms and branding. The DCD will collaborate with the SMS to monitor and complete communication requests (email, social media, website). The DCD will receive a $1,000 taxable, annual stipend, paid at or by the time of the annual SWCA Conference in February. The DCD does not pay the conference registration fee due to their extensive work on the website throughout the year, particularly leading up to the conference. The DCD should give the President and Board one year’s notice when resigning from the position. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings)

  •  The nomination process for the DCD will follow the same timeline as that for elections (see section F, sub-sections 1 & 2). Qualified candidates will be chosen, and a group of Board Members (chosen at the time based on knowledge related to the role), including the President (or designee), will meet to interview the candidates. Once this group chooses a preferred candidate, the full Board will vote to instate them.

8. Immediate-Past Digital Content Developer (Term: one year, non-voting)

During the first year of the DCD’s term, the Immediate-Past DCD will serve as advisor to the current DCD, helping with any additional training or issues related to digital content that come up as the new DCD learns the role. The Immediate-Past DCD will also participate in SWCA Board discussions and will attend Board Meetings at the SWCA annual conference. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings and Retreats)

9. SDC: A Journal of Writing Center Studies Editor(s) (Term: five years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

The SDC Editor(s) will publish two issues per year. The SDC Editor(s) is a voting member of the Board and participates in SWCA Board discussions. The SDC Editor(s) will also: prepare CFPs to be available at major and relevant WC conferences (Southeastern Writing Center Association; the International Writing Centers Association; Computers and Writing; Conference on College Composition and Communication, etc.) and repeat these calls immediately after these conferences to encourage submissions, especially for the conference special issue of SDC; ensure that PR materials are organized, prepared, present, and available; update the Board and members regularly about the status of the journal; facilitate activities (such as workshops) to promote the journal; recruit, train, and maintain a list of qualified SDC reviewers; and work with the Digital Content Developer to maintain journal content on the SWCA website. Service on a SWCA committee is also required. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings)

  •  The nomination process for the SDC Editor(s) will follow the same timeline as that for elections (see section F, sub-sections 1 & 2). Qualified candidates will be chosen, and a group of Board Members (chosen at the time based on knowledge related to the role), including the President (or designee) and the current SDC Editor(s) (or designee(s), will meet to interview the candidates. Once this group chooses a preferred candidate, the full Board will vote to instate them.

10. Immediate-Past SDC Editor(s) (Term: one year, non-voting)

During the Incoming SDC Editor(s)’s first year, the Immediate-Past SDC Editor(s) will serve as an advisor and remain on the Board. The Immediate-Past Editor(s) will take part in SWCA Board discussions. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings)

11a. Outreach Coordinator (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting) (Note: This position will be eliminated, effective February 2025)

The Outreach Coordinator (OC) is in charge of promoting the SWCA throughout the region. The OC should work closely with the Membership Community Representatives and State Representatives to promote the organization through locally-sponsored workshops and events. The OC also works closely with the Archivist to recruit candidates for the Board prior to and during the election cycle. The OC will coordinate with SWCA Interns and the Communications Committee to develop and post social media content at least quarterly and with the DCD for branding and access to social media accounts. The OC will hold virtual meetings as needed, maintain the Funding Request Forms, send funding requests to the Board, and update the Board and membership regularly about regional events. The OC also chairs the Communications Committee. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings)

11b. Social Media Specialist (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting) (Note: This position is new and will be effective February 2025)

The Social Media Specialist (SMS) is in charge of developing and posting all SWCA social media content across platforms. The SMS will work with the DCD to develop consistent branding for the organization and, with the support of at least one SWCA social media intern, will promote the SWCA brand within and beyond the southeast region. The SMS should craft a social media presence that showcases the accomplishments and activities of the organization and its members. This includes developing a schedule for posts, drafting all social media templates and content, and monitoring and responding to incoming requests for social media coverage. The SMS will coordinate with other committees and Board members as needed in order to achieve their vision, which will include drafting promotional materials such as flyers and visuals for the website. The SMS will collaborate with the DCD to monitor and complete communication requests (email, social media, website). (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings)

  •  The nomination process for the SMS will follow the same timeline as that for elections (see section F, sub-sections 1 & 2). Qualified candidates will be chosen, and a group of Board Members (chosen at the time based on knowledge related to the role), including the President (or designee), will meet to interview the candidates. Once this group chooses a preferred candidate, the full Board will vote to instate them.

12. Immediate-Past Social Media Specialist (Term: one year, non-voting)

During the first year of the Social Media Specialist’s term, the Immediate-Past Social Media Specialist will serve as their advisor, participate in SWCA Board discussions online and in conference calls, and attend Board Meetings at the SWCA annual conference. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings and Retreats)

13-14. At-Large Members (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

A total of two At-Large Members will serve on the Board, with one being elected each year on alternating schedules. Board Members-At-Large participate in SWCA discussions and help to develop and execute short- and long-term goals in the best interests of SWCA. The Board may call At-Large Members to Executive Board Meetings to contribute as needed. Each At-Large Member also co-chairs the Awards & Scholarships Committee. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings)

15-27. Membership Community Representatives

15. Community College Representative (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

The Community College Representative will focus on building a network of SWCA community college members so that the organization can work to meet the needs of these institutions. The Community College Representative should work closely with the At-Large Members, respective State Representatives, DCD, and SMS       to organize and advertise events and meetings and should maintain and develop a database of their member and event information. Service on a SWCA committee is also required. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings) See section F for special state and community representative nomination and election procedures.

16. K-12 Representative (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

The K-12 Representative will focus on building a network of SWCA K-12 school members so that the organization can work to meet the needs of these institutions. The K-12 Representative should work closely with the At-Large Members, respective State Representatives, DCD, and SMS to organize events and meetings and should maintain and develop a database of their member and event information. Service on a SWCA committee is also required. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings) See section F for special state and community representative nomination and election procedures.

17. HBCU Representative (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

The HBCU Representative will focus on building a network of SWCA HBCU members so that the organization can work to meet the needs of these institutions. The HBCU Representative should work closely with the At-Large Members, respective State Representatives, DCD, and SMS to organize and advertise events and meetings and should maintain and develop a database of their member and event information.  Service on a SWCA committee is also required. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings.) See section F for special state and community representative nomination and election procedures.

18. Graduate Student Representative (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

The Graduate Student Representative will focus on building a network of SWCA graduate student members so that the organization can work to meet the needs of these students. The Graduate Student Representative should work closely with the At-Large Members, respective State Representatives, DCD, and SMS to organize and advertise events and meetings and should maintain and develop a database of their member and event information. Service on a SWCA committee is also required. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings.) See section F for special state and community representative nomination and election procedures.

19-27. State Representatives (Term: two years, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

Each state within the SWCA (see section II above) shall have a representative. State Representatives should work closely with the At-Large Members, Community Representatives, DCD, and SMS to promote and encourage participation in the organization through locally sponsored workshops and events. They will also maintain a current list of SWCA members and potential members from their state (updated annually). Service on a SWCA committee is also required. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings.) See section F for special state and community representative nomination and election procedures.

28-29. Conference Chairs

28. Current Conference Chair(s) (Term: one year, voting, Co-Chairs share one vote)

The Current Conference Chair(s), along with a Conference Planning Committee, will propose and organize the annual Conference program in consultation with the Past Conference Chair(s) and the President, and make all arrangements as needed. The Current Conference Chair(s) will work with the Vice President and the Treasurer to manage the membership list, and will settle the conference budget, receipts, and expenses with the Treasurer and the President. The Current Conference Chair(s) will be appointed by the President with support of Executive Board and approval by the full Board, following the submission of a conference proposal. The Current Conference Chair(s) will keep records of the planning and arranging of the conference to pass on to future directors and the Board, and will submit a report on the conference, including a full accounting of expenses and cash received within three months following the conference. During conference preparation, all funds may first go to SWCA. After receiving the funds, SWCA will issue a check to the university hosting SWCAC. However, should funds first go the university or writing center hosting the event, the Current Conference Chair(s) is responsible for issuing a check to the Treasurer of all monies earned from the conference. The Current Conference Chair(s) is responsible for organizing and attending the summer site visit portion of the Executive Board Retreat for the conference being planned. The Current Conference Chair(s) does not pay the conference registration fee due to their extensive work on the site visit, at the conference, and throughout the year leading up to the conference. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference, the site visit, and all Board Meetings)

29. Immediate-Past Conference Chair(s) (Term: one year, non-voting)

The Immediate-Past Conference Chair(s) will assist the Board and the Current Conference Chair(s) concerning procedures for organizing the conference. The Immediate-Past Conference Chair(s) may attend the summer site visit for the following year’s conference at the President’s request. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and Board Meetings)

30-33. SWCA-CARE Chairs

30. SWCA-CARE Chair (Term: one year, maximum two consecutive terms, voting)

The SWCA Center Acknowledgment and Recognition of Excellence (SWCA-CARE) Chair coordinates the long-term vision of the SWCA-CARE program, encourages submissions, fields questions, manages the review process and tools and resources used in the review process, and organizes/oversees the committee of reviewers that is approved by the current SWCA President. Each SWCA-CARE submission will need multiple reviewers/reviews in order to ensure a fair and equitable review process. The Chair, along with the Co-Chair, ensures each SWCA-CARE application will be assessed by at least three Reviewers from among the approved pool of Reviewers (See section E). Other duties might include designing and presenting CARE-related professional development activities and SWCA-CARE promotion. When possible, the Chair and Co-Chair roles will consist of one senior member (with at least one year of experience on SWCA-CARE) and one junior member (who will be new to SWCA-CARE) in order to maintain continuity and best practices. The Chair and/or Co-Chair can serve as SWCA-CARE proposal reviewer/s. The Chair and Co-Chair will serve a total of two years  (the first year as Co-Chair and the second year as Chair) and can, if interested, serve an additional/consecutive term (up to two total terms, with two years spent as Co-Chair and two years spent as Chair). If the SWCA Chair steps down prior to the end of their one-year term, the Co-Chair moves into the role of Chair and a new Co-Chair is selected. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings.)

31. SWCA-CARE Co-Chair (Term: one year, immediate succession to SWCA-CARE Chair, voting)

The SWCA-CARE Co-Chair has the same duties as the SWCA-CARE Chair. The incoming SWCA Co-Chair is appointed by the outgoing SWCA Chair and incoming Chair with support of the Board. The outgoing SWCA Chair and incoming Chair will make recommendations for the new, incoming Co-Chair and will solicit a cover letter of interest from interested candidates during the normal election cycle during years when a new Co-Chair is needed. Decisions will be made by the end of the normal election cycle by the outgoing Chair and incoming Chair based on the letters of interest. The SWCA Co-Chair position does not require an EB or full-Board vote of approval. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all BoardMeetings.)

32. SWCA-CARE Immediate-Past Chair (Term: one year, non-voting)

The SWCA-CARE Immediate-Past Chair advises the SWCA Chair and/or Co-Chair in terms of duties listed above. When possible, the Immediate-Past Chair will also help with SWCA-CARE promotion. As needed, the Immediate-Past Chair can serve as application Reviewer. (Required attendance at the Annual Conference and all Board Meetings.)

33. Board Emeritus Position (Term: two years, non-voting)

The Board Member Emeritus is nominated and elected by the Executive Board and SWCA Board Members and will be selected from those members who have served on the Board in a leadership position with distinction and excellence (see below). Emeritus members shall serve terms of two years and are eligible for as long as they remain active in the work of SWCA. They may end their term at any time.

A Board Member Emeritus shall be entitled to receive all written notices and information which are provided to the Board, entitled to attend all Board Meetings, and encouraged to attend all other events conducted by the SWCA. A Board Member Emeritus shall not be subject to any attendance policy, counted in determining if a quorum is present at a meeting, entitled to hold office, or allowed to vote at any Board Meeting.
Eligibility: In order to be considered for designation as a Board Member Emeritus, a person must be a current or former member of the SWCA Board who:

  • Has served the SWCA with distinction
  • Held an important leadership role, and made or continues to make significant contributions
  • Completed the term(s) for which they were appointed
  • Continues to participate in one or more SWCA activities annually (e.g., annual conference, webinar)

Election: During the annual election cycle, the Executive Board will consider potential candidates and may nominate one or more individuals for a Board Emeritus position. The Executive Board will present the nomination(s) along with supporting statements to the SWCA Board for its consideration. A simple majority vote of members present at a meeting with a quorum is sufficient to approve an appointment.

C. Board Members will have the following responsibilities:

  • To meet annually during the SWCA conference. The outgoing Board Meeting takes place prior to the opening of the conference (preferably the afternoon before), and the incoming Board Meeting takes place by the conclusion of the conference.
  • To communicate with each other as requested (for voting and commenting on issues brought before the full Board) and to participate in meetings, conference calls, and retreats as scheduled by members of the Board.
  • To work in conjunction with the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) to ensure SWCA is represented at IWCA business meetings and that relevant IWCA business is communicated to the SWCA Board. To post relevant calls and proposals related to SWCA events and elections on the IWCA website or other IWCA publications and to provide IWCA, when asked, with a regional report of activities, membership lists, or other related data.
  • To serve as liaisons between SWCA and related organizations.
  • To present plans that affect or represent SWCA to the Board for discussion and a full Board vote prior to the enacting of the plan.
  • To sponsor the annual conference and report to members at the annual conference, held every February.
  • To review and propose revisions in the Bylaws as they are needed, for the benefit of the membership and the future growth and success of the association as a whole.
  • Due to extreme circumstances or based on a conflict of interest, Board Members may be asked to resign based on a 2/3 majority vote by Board Members. The Board Member in question will be exempted from this vote.

D. SWCA Intern Position (Term: no limit, non-voting)

In years when this position is nominated by a Board member, the SWCA Intern will be an undergraduate or graduate student member who works with the SMS on social media and, time allowing, another/other project(s) of their choosing as outlined in a proposal and in conjunction with a Board mentor or as solicited by the Board. The individual will update and communicate with the SMS, as well as any other mentor(s) and the Board, regularly and will submit a portfolio of work accomplished. When an intern is nominated by a Board member, they should submit a statement of interest to the Board. The Board will then decide on the appointment and its scope.

E. Additional/Non-Voting SWCA-CARE Positions

SWCA-CARE Advisory Board (Term: two years, non-voting)

The SWCA-CARE Advisory Board will consist of Immediate-Past Chairs who assist in maintaining consistency and support the work and mission of SWCA-CARE. They serve a term of two years and can, if interested, serve additional terms, consecutive or non-consecutive (no renewal limits).

SWCA-CARE Reviewers (Term: No limit, non-voting)

The SWCA-CARE Reviewer pool will consist of SWCA members who are WC administrators/professionals (as opposed to, for example, peer tutors) and who have undergone and passed SWCA-CARE certification. The SWCA-CARE Chair/Co-Chair will work with Reviewers to coordinate the review cycle, maintain communications with applicants, revise timelines and materials as needed, etc. SWCA-CARE Reviewers might be asked to share their experiences as reviewers to help develop/revise the application process and to provide professional development for SWCA-CARE applicants/potential applicants. SWCA-CARE Reviewers do not have to be SWCA Board Members and are not required to attend SWCA Board Meetings.

F. Nomination and Election Procedures

Schedule Overview

  • Feb.: Board holds interest meeting at annual conference
  • 8/1: Recruitment for specialty positions begins (DCD, SMS, SDC)
  • 9/1: Call for nominations
  • 9/1-9/30: Nominations open
  • Beginning 10/1: Board contacts nominees. If a position has no nominees, the Board makes a recommendation
  • 10/1-10/31: Receipt of nominee forms; interviews for specialty positions can begin as soon as nomination forms for these positions are received
  • 11/5-11/15: Election period
  • By 12/1: Candidates notified of results
  • By 12/31: Membership notified of results

Procedure Details

  1. During the annual conference, the Board will hold a general interest meeting (with a virtual option) about open positions with breakout sessions led by Board Members to discuss the benefits and duties of each position.
  2. Regular elections are held according to the following schedule:
        • The Archivist will distribute the call for nominations to all members on the first day of September each year. The call sent to all members should include a list of all open positions, the primary contact for submitting nominations, the timeline of the election process, and the benefits and duties of the positions. The nomination period will close on the last day of September.
        • If the Board receives no nominations for an open position by October 1, the Board, with the help of the Archivist, will make a recommendation for the position.
        • After nominations are received, the Archivist will contact nominees with full information about the position and duties and will solicit an official candidacy form. The form should include a question requiring the nominee to verify they are a member of the community/state they seek to represent. The form will also require the nominee’s 150-word statement of interest that will be shared with all voting members during the election. The deadline for receiving nominees’ forms is October 31.
  3. The election period will begin by November 5 and will close by November 15. Candidates are notified of results by December 1. Board positions are determined by a simple majority of voting members (see section 4c for special exceptions for State and Community Representatives). In the case of a tie, the Executive Board will determine the winner in a run-off election vote. The membership is notified of election results by December 31. The Archivist will be responsible for providing the voting membership with:
    • Information from nominees’ forms, including the statement of interest
    • The survey link to vote in the election.
  4. Special Instructions for the nomination and election of Community and State Representatives:
    • Current State and Community Representatives will resend the call for their open State or Community position to members within their state or community.
    • Nominations should be sent to the current State or Community Representative, with the Archivist cc’d to all communications. Nominators and nominees must come from the community they would represent (e.g., a community college member can nominate a community college representative candidate, or a Kentucky member could nominate a representative candidate for Kentucky). The Archivist will follow up with candidacy forms.
    • When the election ballot is distributed to the membership, it will include questions requiring voters to self-identify as members of states and communities that have open positions. Only voters who are members of states or communities with open State and Community Representative positions shall cast votes for these positions.
  5. New Board Members will begin their term at the Incoming Board Meeting of the SWCA conference.

G. Special Elections/Appointments

Filling vacancies on the Executive Board. If an Executive Board Member (President, Vice President, Archivist, or Treasurer) steps down or cannot serve after their term has begun, they will be replaced as follows. A new election will be announced (by the Archivist or, if the Archivist is stepping down, by the Vice President). The election will otherwise be executed in the same way as an on-term election.

Filling vacancies (SWCA Board Members). If a SWCA Board Member (not on the Executive Board) steps down or cannot serve after their term has begun, the Executive Board and remaining members of the SWCA Board shall appoint a replacement to fill the vacancy. Board Members can nominate a replacement. After nominations, Board Members will vote to appoint the nominee. A quorum is needed for the Board election for the appointment to be valid.

H. Approval and Ratification

  • Changes in these bylaws shall be made by a majority vote of the Board and must then be ratified by 2/3 of members casting ballots.
  • Quorum Definition: In order for the Board to move forward with an in-person vote, a quorum is required. A quorum is defined as 50% +1 of the voting Board Members.
  • When the Board must vote on a matter outside of in-person meetings, voting can occur over email. In this situation, the Archivist will send out a vote. In order for the vote to be valid, the number of votes must reach a quorum during the designated voting period.
  • These procedures are for positions elected by the full membership. See designated sections for procedures for positions that are appointed or elected by the Board.

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