Join us for an SWCA webinar about
“GenAI in the Writing Center: Perils, Possibilities, and Policies” Thursday, April 4th, 2024 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) via Zoom
Presented by
Dr. Eric Mason,Associate Professor in Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts & Faculty Coordinator with the Writing and Communication Center, Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Kevin Dvorak, Executive Director of Writing and Communication Center & Professor in Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts, Nova Southeastern University
Generative AI has had a broad impact across multiple industries and practices, and faculty and administrators in educational institutions continue to question how to integrate it ethically into curricula and operations. Writing centers can serve a critical function in how students and faculty approach GenAI technologies in ways that don’t impede learning. Come talk with a faculty member and administrator from the Writing and Communication Center at Nova Southeastern University, where they share their efforts creating an AI learning community based in their writing center dedicated to guiding university conversations and policies regarding GenAI.
FREE for all SWCA members and a small fee for other parties (donations also welcome)
Visit for more info and to RSVP to get the url.
Note: If, after registering, you do not receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link, contact the SWCA DCD at
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