Thirty-nine people attended the first SWCA-Alabama Conference held at Samford University on January 25, 2013. Upon arrival, each person was given a name tag that included the words Group A or Group B, and a conference program outlining the day's events (each program also contained a number to be used for door prizes at the end of the day). The day started off with a keynote address by Dr. Glenda Conway, an English Professor at the University of Montevallo. From there, workshops and presentations were delivered for each group throughout the day; each group also ate lunch together. At the end of the day, all participants reunited for a gift drawing of several door prizes that had been donated by various writing centers in the state. Door prizes included two small journal notebooks, a Starbucks gift card (or two), a copy of Strunk & White's Elements of Style, and the literary journal from the University of Montevallo, called The Tower.
Writing Center directors and/or staff attended from the following institutions:
University of North Alabama, University of South Alabama, University of Alabama, University of Montevallo, Troy University, Samford University, Athens State University, Auburn University, Auburn University at Montgomery, Shelton State Community College, Wallace State Community College, Marion Military Institute
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